domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Trip to Andorra

Hello, I have already returned from the trip to Andorra,
The first day we went skiing and we had a great time, then we went up to the cable car and we have a story to tell, when we were up the cable car my cousin said: Can you imagine that we stopped and stayed up here? and so it was, it stopped and we stayed there for 2 hours.

The second day ,we went to the ice rink and skated all morning, we fell many times, but we had a great time and we laughed a lot.

Resultado de imagen de fotos pista de patinaje  andorra vella
Resultado de imagen de fotos palacio de hielo  andorra vella
The third day in Caldea, it was an unforgettable experience as it was snowing and we were in the water but the snow was falling on us.
Then we went to the hotel and prepared the malets to leave.
Resultado de imagen de fotos maletas con ropa

sábado, 20 de mayo de 2017


In this unforgettable trip that I will do with my family and my friends, we have several activities to do during this days.
The first day we are going to go to a sky track, we will be there all day and at night we will go back to the hotel to a party.
The second day we will go to the ice rink , the thermal baths and in the afternoon we will go shopping
The third and last day, we will go to Caldea. In the afternoon we will pick up our bags and prepare to return home

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017


The preparation for the trip was quite difficult. This was because I have to find a hotel that was near to all the activities we had to do, but also near to the places to visit. If you have already visited Andorra you will know that the ski slopes are very far away from the center of the town this is because the ski slopes are at the top of the mountain meanwhile the center is at the lower part of the mountain. At the end I thought in a hotel my friends went last year, this hotel is called 'Andorra Park Hotel'. The Andorra Park Htel is located in the center of Andorra la Vella and offers good views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.


martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Quick summary

Hello, my name is Lorena and I am going to tell you my trip. I´m going to Andorra. The trip will take place in may. In this blog, I am going to explain all the preparation I have had to make the trip, all the places I am going to visit, all the activities I am going to do and more fun stuff.